Wednesday 13 February 2008

What is it about rhyme...

I love it. Rhyme and all the little semi rhymes and half rhymes in between. Getting it right is really hard work. But when you look at a real expert like John Hegley and great stuff like

I remember Luton
As I'm swallowing my crouton

you realise you are in the presence of a master. Yes yes, I am sure there are many better examples, but I like what works for me. It's that ability to connect words and then twist them, add to them which is marvellous and often beautiful.

My other rhyme hero is Martyn Jacques - lead singer of the Tiger Lillies - who, on my ipod on the way in to work this morning, rhymed "toys" with "equipoise" and made me burst out laughing on the Victoria Line.

1 comment:

Chris Reed said...

For me, the best rhymes are those that sound, (in a South London patois) almost totally unplanned.