Monday 11 February 2008


The company I work for, Fishburn Hedges, does 'surprise and delight' really well. Every so often, throughout the year, I'll arrive on a Monday morning to find something mysterious and interesting on my desk, which'll relate to an announcement that's going to happen later in the day.

Today we're undergoing a major rebrand, the first in about 13 years. Huge levels of work have been poured into it, from having the rows about the look and feel, to changing the website, to sorting the stationary, to setting up new document templates.

But even more gets poured into making it feel like an occasion. This morning we were seranaded by a saxophonist as we arrived, poured fruit cocktails in the new colour scheme, and rooted through our goodie bags filled with a stash of stuff. New sofas have appeared around the place, and our PCs are all set up with the new look.

See what you make of the new branding - the website's not switched over just yet but should be later today.

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