Tuesday 9 December 2008


Now, you'll know that I was blessed from a very early age with absolutely zero head hair. Yes yes I know. A real blessing. An inbuilt rain hat etc. Oi Kojak. Yup. Loving it. As George Costanza once said to a date of Elaine's who thought he might be losing his thatch: "LIVE damn you. Live as you have never lived before"

Anyhow. I've come to terms with it now and no longer sit at home in a wig drinking cheap gin.

The other day I happened to cross the path of David Yelland, former Sun editor, committed baldy and glasses wearer. We both paused. There was a beat. I swear to god we both thought: shit, that's me! Wait!

It was a weird moment.

-- Post From My iPhone


Matthew Redgrave said...

You've got a doppelganger in Walthamstow too. Was quite embarrassing when I pinched a complete stranger on the arse.

saato said...

that is a crying shame.