Thursday 8 January 2009


Dvorak. New World Symphony. I wonder what it is about that piece of music? My Dad probably, because one thing he gave me was a really eclectic musical taste. I remember this being in the house when I was small. This and Sibelius and War of the Worlds. The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one they said.

But this one. There is a simplicity and purity to the New World Symphony. I almost see Dvorak, pouring over the manuscript and not quite able to believe what he's getting down. Almost as if it has to be - this music. Quite strange for him I think.

Also - Dvorak - great name for a Doctor Who villain.

This is what happens when there's work to be done. Radio 3 and tea. Come on!

1 comment:

Matthew Redgrave said...

'Poring', not 'pouring', I hope.

I agree though - love Dvorak. Very bucolic and Czech.